Whose thoughts are you thinking?
I recently went to a workshop for folks and organizations who have a message to share with the world. We were there to learn how to use today’s technology to get our messages out.
I stayed at the local hotel and when I got up in the morning, I looked for a shirt I planned to wear that day.
But the shirt was gone.
I looked for it on the spare bed where I left it the day before. I searched the room. I looked in the closet, the bathroom and went through my suitcase. I even looked under the bed.
The shirt was nowhere to be found.
I started thinking and asked myself, “Why would the cleaning person throw my shirt away?”. I was convinced that the person who cleaned the room disposed of my shirt. To say the least, I was disturbed.
Once I finally accepted that the shirt was gone, I decided to look inside one of the dresser drawers. I knew it wasn’t there since I never use those drawers while on short trips since I keep everything in my suitcase.
I opened up the drawer and BAM!, my shirt suddenly appeared.
I forgot I put it the day before.
As I reflect on that experience, I’m reminded how often we think thoughts that have nothing to do with what’s real.
It further reminded me of the value of stopping and periodically asking throughout the day, “Whose thoughts am I thinking?”.
When we have thoughts that are run by fear or lack, they often come from the sea of collective debris that pervades the collective consciousness and not spiritual inspiration.
Every thought fueled with energy is a prayer and if we are thinking from the lower vibration of fear, lack, limitation or worry, we are praying amiss because we are giving our attention to the problem.
But we are not to think about the problem; we are to think about God.
An effective spiritual practice (although not necessarily an easy one), is to stop sharing what is going wrong. One day at a time, we can stop and cease talking about what is wrong in our lives, our organizations, our jobs, our world or with other people (yeah, I know it’s hard).
When we make such a commitment and the words describing what’s wrong want to come out of our mouth, we stop and turn the experience into a spiritual practice. We can interrupt those low vibrational thought forms and turn our attention to the unchanging qualities of Spirit.
If we want to go a little further, whenever we become aware that we are about to talk about what’s wrong, we can ask, “What spiritual principle am I denying right now?”.
If we are about to say, “There is never enough to go around”. We can stop ourselves and say “Oh my God, I am denying the principle of abundance; everything I want, hope for or desire is already within me. Ah, there’s the principle I’m denying”.
We can take notice of what we are thinking. Once we notice that which is not the truth of who we are and what the presence of God is, those error thoughts begin to lose their power. We than can think again and see the spiritual principle we were denying.
So throughout the day, stop and ask yourself, “Whose thoughts am I thinking?”.